Monday, June 30, 2008

Where the Nation-State Fails

This is a map of the "top" 60 countries in Foreign Policy's Failed States Index for 2008. FP gave countries a 0-10 rating across 12 indicators of instability, with "0" indicating highly stable and "10" indicating highly unstable. Some of the indicators included Demographic Pressures, Refugees and Displaced Persons, Economy, and Human Rights. A country's final score was the aggregate of these 12 ratings. The darker green colors on the map indicate a higher final score and, thus, a greater state failure.

Click the above link for the full chart sortable by each of the 12 indicators.

A chart of the Top 10 scores after the jump:

Top 10 Failed State Score
Somalia 114.2
Sudan 113
Zimbabwe 112.5
Chad 110.9
Iraq 110.6
Dem. Rep. of Congo 106.7
Afghanistan 105.4
Cote d'Ivoire 104.6
Pakistan 103.8
Central African Rep. 103.7

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