Thursday, May 22, 2008

Pilar Lujan Disenfranchises Seven Voters

Guam Democratic Party Chair and Superdelegate Pilar Lujan announced her support for Senator Clinton today. This announcement is a reversal or her original stated position as revealed to Micronesia's leading newspaper (since '72) the day before Guam's May 3rd Primary:

Lujan remains uncommitted because she believes that her vote should reflect the will of the majority of Democrats. However, her running mate, Paulino, has publicly endorsed Obama, according to Tenorio.

"Both Hillary and Obama represent the party ideals. As a candidate for the Democratic party chair, I will like my vote to represent the Democratic Party of Guam," Lujan said.

Obama won Guam, barely, by a count of 2264-2257, but the concept of a majority is binary - you either win one or you don't. Obama won the majority and Lujan has now reversed her previously reported position. I suppose we can forgive a Guamanian party official for failing to parse her words carefully, but in the 2008 Democratic Primary, no one escapes scrutiny.

Pilar Lujan, you are in breach of Appendix A of the Protocol.

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